Further, the iron used is great for thermal insulation, a key component in making excellent grade tea. This feature makes it similar to a thermos because of its heat distribution, ensuring your tea stays at a constant temperature for longer. The traditional Japanese cast iron teapots are ideal for every kitchen as they come in various traditional and modern styles. However, taking good care of your teapot ensures longevity. You will need to give it some tender love and care so that it serves you longer. Care begins with cleaning and maintaining your teapot so that it remains as good as new.

How to clean a cast iron teapot

Cleaning a cast iron teapot calls for a unique technique from the traditional cleaning techniques you already know. Cleaning the teapot as it should be is what makes your teapot last longer and stay in good shape so that you enjoy using it for an extended period.

Before you begin cleaning, ensure your teapot is empty and has cooled off. Cooling is essential as it allows the metal to shrink back to normal, making it easy to wash.Begin by rinsing your teapot with warm water without adding any detergent.Use a soft cloth or sponge to wash your teapot. Rough washing pads will damage the interior of your teapot by scratching it. When the inner coating’s cover is removed, rusting is inevitable. Rust will, in the long run, destroy your teapot.After rinsing, gently wipe the pot with a soft cloth. Wipe the entire interior and the outside without forgetting the undercut parts and the shoulder.Place your teapot up-side-down on your countertop or rack, ensuring the pot receives ample air to dry.Clean the infuser with or without soap. The infuser holds your tea leaves inside the teapot. You can hand-wash it or use a dishwasher. Ensure you remove all tea leaf particles from the gaps on the strainer.

How to take care of a cast iron teapot

After use, it is vital to give your teapot the necessary care.

Allow it to cool before you dry it.Rinse it with warm water after drying.Wipe it dry, inside and outside, when it is still warm.Air-dry it upside down with the lid off.When washing, it is advisable to hand-wash your teapot as a dishwasher cannot provide the care that your teapot requires. Only human hands can deliver quality care for your teapot.Avoid using detergents on your teapot at all costs. They will damage the enamel and iron in the teapot. Additionally, the enamel may absorb the smell of soap and transfer it into your tea.Ensure your teapot is completely dry inside and outside before storage to prevent the formation of rust.Keep salt and oil away from your teapot as they are corrosive. Oil can also stain your teapot.Do not allow steeped tea leaves or water to overstay in your teapot, as this may cause your teapot’s interior to stain. The stain may, in the long run, cause damage to the protective coating.To keep your teapot looking glossy, you can polish its surface with a cloth soaked in tea. Polishing will also prevent rust.When hot, the iron may stain your tabletops or linen cloths. It is advisable to place your teapot on a trivet or dish towel.Lastly, it would be best to not put your teapot directly over an open flame or microwave it. It is not designed to be exposed to fire.

How to clean a rusty cast iron teapot

If rusty, scrub off the rust gently with a soft-bristled brush. This will leave your teapot’s crust glowing.Rinse the pot with some water to ensure you remove every rust residue.After rinsing, fill your teapot with boiling water and add tea leaves into the water. Cover your teapot and allow the tea leaves to steep for 30 minutes.Drain the tea. The tannic acid in the tea will react with any rust and will form a natural seal. The seal will bring rusting to an end, never to happen again. Do this often to preserve your cast iron teapot.

Avoid using harsh chemicals to remove rust as they are toxic and will damage the metal.

How do you keep a cast iron from rusting

If you notice spots at the bottom of your teapot, do not worry about them. The spots are a result of mineral buildup and will prevent the formation of rust. You can also allow tea leaves to steep for a while as the tannic acid they contain acts as a natural seal that deters rust formation. Also, ensure you wipe your teapot dry after use. Leaving tea or water in your teapot for a while will cause rust.

How to use the cast iron teapot

Ideally, the teapot should be used for brewing tea. You should not use it for cooking anything else.

Pour hot water halfway into your teapot. Cover it and set it aside. This is important to keep the pot warm. A warm teapot will keep your tea warm for longer.Boil the water you need for your tea separately. The type of tea you are brewing will determine the temperature of the water.Drain the first hot water from your teapot.Position the infuser basket accordingly and then measure your tea leaves. Ideally, most teas will require a teaspoon of tea leaves per six ounces of water.Pour the boiling water onto the tea leaves.Cover your teapot and let the tea leaves steep for 5 minutes. The steeping time may vary depending on the tea type you are preparing. It is advisable to check the tea pack for information on the exact steeping time of the tea.After steeping, your tea is ready to serve. Remove the infuser basket and serve.

How do you prepare a cast iron teapot for first use

When you get your teapot from your dealer, there are a few steps you need to take as your teapot’s induction before brewing your first cup(s) of tea.

Begin by seasoning the teapot to get rid of any smell of cast iron from it. Put tea leaves and boiling water into the teapot. Allow the tea leaves to steep for a few minutes, then pour out the tea.Wipe both the inside and outside with a clean, dry cloth when the teapot is still warm.Pour hot water into the teapot. Let it sit for a while, and then drain out the water. After this, your teapot is warm and ready to brew you a cup.

How to store a cast iron teapot

When not in use, store your teapot in a cool and dry place, preferably at room temperature. Also, ensure the teapot is completely dry to deter the formation of rust.

Do you need to season a cast iron teapot

It is important to season your cast iron teapot before first use to remove any odors from it.

How to season a cast iron teapot

Put tea leaves in your teapot and pour boiling water over the tea leaves. Let the tea steep for a few seconds, then pour out the tea.

Why is my cast iron teapot flaking

The inner lining of your cast iron teapot will flake off if left wet for prolonged periods. You may have left water or tea inside for a long time. This can make the teapot begin flaking.

Are cast iron teapots good for you?

The natural rust that builds up at the bottom of your teapot is healthy and safe for consumption as it is a buildup of minerals. Also, with each brewing session, you get free iron supplements. This minimizes any chances of iron deficiency.

The pros and cons of cast iron teapots



The cast iron teapot is durable and, if properly maintained, will last for generations. It is resistant to cracking or chipping and is unbreakable.

Candy for the eye

Its beautiful design and vibrant color make it presentable at your table. The teapot’s beauty adds class and style to your tea experience, making it feel like a special occasion. There are a variety of designs and color shades to choose from.


The cast-iron material makes your teapot the ideal symbol of strength and unity. The teapot also adds a touch of class to your kitchen.

Easy to clean

Compared to other kitchen equipment, the cast iron teapot is easy to clean. It requires only rinsing and wiping it dry after use.

Keeps your tea hot for long

The cast iron teapot is heavy and has excellent thermal insulation, and is ideal for keeping your tea at constant temperature for a long time. The cast iron material ensures your tea evenly heats, which helps brew your tea.

Better tasting tea

Tea made from a cast iron teapot will taste better than any other tea because of the non-porous enamel in the teapot that prevents your teapot from absorbing different flavors or scents. Its ability to retain water at an even temperature for long betters the complexity of the tea.

Enamel lining

The enamel feature deters the absorption of different scents and flavors. This ensures your tea tastes and smells fresh. The enamel also prevents rust.

Relatively cheap

Compared to the lifelong service it is bound to give you and generations to come, the teapot’s price is a bargain. With about $100, you can get yourself a state-of-the-art cast iron teapot.


It is not suitable for use in a microwave or a stovetop as it is not designed to be used over open fires. The cast iron material makes the teapot pretty heavy. The teapot comes in a small size that cannot be used to brew tea for many people. You will have to brew the tea for several sessions depending on the number of people. It requires great care to prevent rust. After every use, you should wipe it completely dry. If you are a forgetful person, your teapot will rust quickly. A little water left standing in the teapot will cause the formation of rust. You can only hand-wash it. A dishwasher may damage the teapot. The iron on the teapot is absorbed into your tea. This can be a disadvantage to someone who does not like that taste. Check this too: Can I Use Cast Iron on a Glass Top Stove?

How to get rid of black residue in my cast iron teapot

To remove the black residue in your cast iron teapot, you can use a soft brush to scrub it off. Avoid using any coarse pads as they will damage the enamel. After scrubbing, put tea leaves in the teapot and fill it with hot water. Allow the tea leaves to steep for a few minutes, then pour out the tea. Tanin from the tea acts as a natural seal on the enamel.

Why is my cast iron teapot turning tea black

Tea brewed in a cast iron teapot turns back because the tannic acid from the tea reacts with the iron on the teapot. However, you should not worry because it is safe to consume.

How to restore an old cast iron teapot

Use a soft brush to scrub off the rustIf the rust is stubborn, try using a mixture of water and white vinegar mixed in equal parts. Let the mixture sit inside your teapot for a few hours, then rinse with warm water and wipe dry.If vinegar and water do not work, make a paste from baking soda and water and scrub off the rust.

Once you get rid of rust, your old cast iron teapot is as good as new.


If you want to get the most out of your cast iron teapot, it is essential to give it proper care. This will extend its lifespan, making it the ideal heirloom to pass through generations. The cast iron teapot is the perfect equipment or gift item for tea lovers.