People are incredibly concerned about the security of their homes; hence, they are ever looking for perfect and secure locks for their doors. When you lose or misplace your keys, it would be best to look for a professional locksmith to help ensure that you open your door faster and safely.

Best Ways to Open a Deadbolt Lock

Walking to your door and realizing that you have misplaced your keys can be frustrating. If you need to access your house and do not have a spare key, the fast and effective solution to open a deadbolt lock without a key is to call a professional locksmith to help you.  However, if you don’t have access to a locksmith or money to pay one, these practical techniques could save you.

How to Open a Deadbolt Lock With Bobby Pins

It would be best to determine the type of lock you have before attempting to unlock it with bobby pins. The success rate of using bobby pins to open older and less expensive locks is higher compared to newer and expensive ones. If you want to master the art of bobby pin lock picking, it is best to practice constantly. However, it would help if you didn’t practice on doors that you need to function because you could damage them permanently. If you want to perfect the art of picking a deadbolt, you should consider buying or salvaging practice locks. You will need at least two bobby pins for this procedure. Here is how to pick a deadbolt using bobby pins: You can also use two strong paper clips and follow the above procedure when removing a deadbolt without bobby pins.

How to Open a Deadbolt Lock With a Drill

Drilling a deadbolt lock should only be done as a last resort during an emergency. Before you begin drilling, you should understand that the drill will destroy the lock’s internal components, and it will be unusable. You will have to replace the lock and other door parts after the drilling act is complete. If someone requires immediate assistance or is in danger, drilling might be your best option. Follow this procedure to open a deadbolt lock with a drill:

How to Open a Deadbolt Lock With a Screwdriver

A screwdriver is a must-have tool for fixing screws and nails in your home. This helpful tool is also useful when unlocking doors, especially the flathead ones, because they can easily fit on the flat end of a keyhole. You can open a deadbolt lock with a screwdriver using the following steps:

How to Open a Deadbolt Lock With a Knife

Using a knife to open a deadbolt lock might sound destructive. However, if you use a butter knife carefully, you can achieve the end goal in several ways. You can handle different locks with a knife in several ways once you understand what you are dealing with. For example, household doors have a simple flat keyhole. You can place the tip of the knife in and turn to open the lock.  Follow these steps to open a deadbolt lock with a knife: Check this too: Wyze Lock How-to & Troubleshooting Guide A key is the best item for opening a deadbolt lock. If you misplace yours, you should consider calling a professional locksmith to help you. However, you can use the above techniques to open a deadbolt lock if you have misplaced your keys and can’t access a locksmith or can’t afford one. Always try to use methods that will not damage your door or lock.