These interventions work best when you figure out a cause that will allow you to tackle the problem from the reason. This guide will help you understand everything you need to get rid of dandruff fast.

What is the main cause of dandruff?

The leading cause of dandruff is a fungus called Malassezia, which occurs naturally on the skin. It causes seborrheic dermatitis that affects the scalp as well as other parts of the body. Dermatitis creates itchy skin, which starts scaling, leading to dandruff. Malassezia feeds on the natural dead skin on the scalp and sebum, produced by the skin’s sebaceous glands. When this fungus feeds on this skin and oils, it breaks it down to fatty acids, which may cause further skin irritation. This results in dryness and flakiness of the skin leading to more dandruff. While this is the most common reason for dandruff in curly hair, other factors that may cause the condition include:

Dry skinPsoriasis and eczemaReaction to hair productsStress or illnessDietWeather changesA buildup of dirt and dead skin on the scalp

What are the symptoms of dandruff?

Before you see the flakiness of the condition, it may manifest in other symptoms that you should know. The first sign that you will experience is an itchy scalp. The itchiness will be intense, and you may see red patches on your skin. Another sign that you could suffer from dandruff is dryness and irritation on the scalp. This dryness could prompt you to oil your scalp, but this can lead to more itchiness, and it may trigger some flakiness depending on the progression of the condition. You may also experience swelling and inflammation on the scalp. In this case, it is best to seek medical attention.

How long does it take to get rid of dandruff?

How long you will deal with the problem depends on how severe the condition is and your remedies. Sometimes dandruff will clear on its own, especially if the cause is something less extreme like stress or diet. This is why it is best to give it up to two weeks before using any products. If it doesn’t clear in two weeks, it is best to try an overnight dandruff remedy depending on what you need. Both store-bought and home remedies are good options and may work between two weeks to a month. If you suffer from severe dandruff, it is best to give up to three months to clear completely.

How to get rid of dandruff fast at home

there are many remedies for dandruff at home, so you may not need to buy anything, especially if the condition isn’t severe. The following are some of the immediate treatments for dandruff at home. Check this too: How to Clean Porcelain Sink Scratches

Identify a cause

Unless you have had dandruff all your life, it is always easy to identify a change in lifestyle that will cause dandruff. Start by checking your stress levels, dry scalp, and what you have been eating. These three are some of the most common causes of dandruff. Weather changes can also cause dandruff, and winter is the most common in this class. Unfortunately, if the cause is winter, you may have to wait it out. You may need medical help to identify whether the flakiness is caused why the fungus Malassezia. However, you can locate it if you notice yellowish flakes on your scalp. Getting to the root of the problem is essential since it helps identify a treatment.

Switch your diet

What you put into your body can cause dandruff, so changing what you eat could take care of the problem. For example, high sugar and processed carbohydrates diet can cause more dandruff than people who eat whole and healthy foods. If you recently changed your diet to foods high in sugars, the first step you should take is eating healthy. Doctors advise that you completely cut sugars and processed carbohydrates to reverse the condition. It can take up to two weeks to see a difference, but it should work if a lousy diet caused dandruff.

Omega-3 supplements

They not only help in strengthening your immunity but also help in controlling the production of oil. Remember that excessive production of sebum can cause dandruff, so it is essential to check it. The omega-3 also helps in treating dry skin as well as reduce the production of dandruff. You can take omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish such as salmon or supplements for the same effect.

Apple cider vinegar

The acidity of apple cider vinegar is known to help the skin shed dead cells on your scalp. It is also an excellent remedy for balancing the pH, which helps in reducing the growth of fungus that causes dandruff. Add a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar to the water for washing your hair for the best results. You can also use it in the rinsing water and leave it for a few minutes before rinsing your hair. You can also add it into a spray bottle with essential oils, which you can use to spray directly on your scalp.

Aloe vera

Organic aloe vera is a treatment for psoriasis and dandruff, so it can quickly remedy the problem. It prevents the growth of fungus on the skin, and it also has antibacterial properties which help in healing dandruff. If your scalp is inflamed from the itching and red spots, aloe vera can also help counter this. It is best used when you get the raw pulp, but you can use an organic store-bought one if this is not possible. Mash up the pulp or blend it and apply it directly to your scalp and hair. Allow it to rest for 20 to 30 minutes, and then rinse it off. You can use this treatment for two to three days a week for fast healing.

Tea tree oil

It is used for treating psoriasis and dry skin. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial qualities making it an excellent option for treating dandruff at home. Tea tree oil is also effective as a permanent cure for dandruff since it treats Malassezia fungus, which causes seborrheic dermatitis leading to dandruff. However, tea tree oil can cause further skin irritation, so be careful when using it on broken or inflamed skin. You can use it with a carrier oil such as coconut oil to prevent this. Use it on a clean scalp for the best results.

Baking soda

If you have baking soda in your home, you can treat dandruff since it works as a gentle exfoliator of the scalp. It also has antifungal qualities that help in treating Malassezia fungus, which causes dandruff. It helps in restricting the growth of fungus on your skin which can worsen the condition. It is best to use it on wet hair, so massage it on the scalp and allow it to rest for about 15 minutes. You can do this before or after shampooing your hair or alone as a treatment when you are not washing your hair. It helps in reducing itching and relieving any inflammation on the scalp.

How to get rid of dandruff with lemon

Lemon is a natural treatment for dandruff, which helps relieve the symptoms of the condition within a relatively short period. It works to balance the pH of the scalp to help in reducing the effect of fungus and reducing the appearance of dandruff. It also reduces the production of oils, which can contribute to the increasing buildup of dandruff. You can use lemon juice directly on your scalp before shampooing. Apply lemon juice on the skin and leave it for at least 10 minutes to work and exfoliate dandruff. You can also make a scrub when you mix it with sugar and coconut oil. Apply this scrub on the hair and work it into your scalp, rinse it and use your shampoo regularly.

How to get rid of dandruff in beard

It is common to have dandruff in your beard even when you don’t have it on your scalp. You can use the same home remedies you use on your scalp. However, it is essential not to use regular scalp shampoos and conditioners on your beard since they can dry out your beard. The best way to get rid of dandruff in your beard is by keeping it clean. Use beard shampoo or soap at least once a day to clean it thoroughly. Moisturize the beard using its specific oil, which helps in reducing flakiness. Do not forget to brush or comb it regularly. You can also use natural methods such as aloe vera to help curb fungus growth in the area.

What is the best shampoo for dandruff?

If you have more severe dandruff, the best way to get rid of dandruff is a shampoo that you can use with home remedies or alone. Take time to understand the cause of dandruff so you know what to look for in the shampoo. It is also essential to try and comb out most of dandruff before using the store-bought alternatives. This ensures that your scalp will remain clear without any residue that may bring back the flakiness.

Should I wash my hair every day if I have dandruff?

You should not wash your hair every day using regular shampoo. Washing hair every day is not healthy, according to dermatologists. If you clean the hair daily, you strip it of the natural oils which protect the scalp and keeps it moisturized. Whether you have oily or normal skin, stripping the oils from your hair is dangerous as it affects your scalp extensively. However, you can use medicated shampoo every day since it helps in controlling dandruff. Check for a shampoo that contains ketoconazole, zinc, and selenium sulfide. These shampoos are safe for use daily so as you relieve the symptoms of dandruff.

Does hot water cause dandruff?

Using hot water on the scalp can cause dandruff since it strips the skin of its natural oils. In addition, it causes excessive drying of your hair which leads to itching, and eventually, it will cause flaking leading to dandruff. Avoid using hot water to wash your hair and instead use warm water and the appropriate shampoo that will hydrate your skin. You can treat dandruff naturally at home, and even severe symptoms caused by dermatitis can reduce. You can use dandruff home remedies with over-the-counter shampoos to get faster results. However, if dandruff doesn’t get better, it is best to consult a doctor for further direction.