You can clean a coffee grinder using a grinder brush, cleaning pellets, uncooked parboiled rice and vinegar for odor. The type of coffee grinder determines the cleaning technique. We have two main types of grinders; a blade coffee grinder, and a burr coffee grinder.  Things you will need

How to Clean a Blade Coffee Grinder

A blade grinder is very simple to use and clean. It has two or three blades that rotate at high speed and grind the coffee beans. You can wipe it down with a grinder brush after every use. Below are some other options that clean a blade grinder: Check this too: How to Make Cowboy Coffee

Using Uncooked Parboiled Rice

Rice is an affordable cleaning agent for a blade coffee grinder. We recommend parboiled rice as it is less hard than regular rice and will not damage the blades or burrs. Parboiled rice is also less starchy; therefore, it won’t gum up on your grinder. Instructions

Using Bread

Bread works as a substitute for rice. Instructions

How to Clean a Burr Coffee Grinder

Cleaning a burr grinder is much more cumbersome due to the intricate moving parts. Cleaning will also vary by the model due to differences in construction, but they all have the same concept.

Using a Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuuming can be done for weekly cleaning to reduce build-up. Instructions

Using a Grinder Brush or Toothbrush

Using a brush with soft bristles will cause less damage to the burrs. Instructions

Using Grinder Cleaning Pellets

Cleaning pellets absorb oils and fats and also disinfect the burr grinder. Instructions.

Using Vinegar

Vinegar is excellent for removing any odor or smell. After removing any coffee debris using a grinder brush, slightly wet a towel paper with some vinegar and wipe down the grinder thoroughly. Run a small amount of coffee through and discard them.

How Often Should You Clean a Coffee Grinder

Clean your coffee grinder at least once a week, and a deep clean done once a month. Clean the hopper and collecting bin as often as after every coffee refill by just wiping down with a clean paper towel. Check this too: Best coffee grinder under $50 However, how often you use your coffee grinder dictates how regularly you clean it. The more you use your coffee grinder, the more regular cleaning it requires. You can also tell when your coffee grinder needs a clean when your coffee starts to taste stale, when an odor comes out of the coffee grinder and even when you notice the machine working slower than usual. After cleaning, remember to run a little bit of coffee through your grinder before using it and discard the residue. With those cleaning tips, you can enjoy a fresh cup of coffee every time.

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