The refrigerator’s compressor does not work throughout the day. It goes on and off during the cooling cycle to maintain optimum temperatures inside the fridge. The relay is the device that supplies the refrigerator with power; therefore, the compressor cannot work without the relay. If the relay fails, the compressor won’t start, and you may have to bypass the relay system. If you choose to bypass the relay, you will also bypass the thermal overload, which can be dangerous. If you leave the relay bypass on for too long, it will cause a bypass overload overheating your unit, and other systems will spoil and wear out from overheating. Keep in mind that a relay bypass is a temporary fix, and you have to get your relay fixed by a professional soon after.

What does a start relay do on a fridge?

The start relay is an electrical switch that starts the compressor, a device that creates the cold air that runs through your unit to keep your food cool. It boosts the compressor by dictating when it should turn on or off based on the unit’s need for cool air. The start relay helps to save energy, ensures the refrigerator works properly, and prevents overheating. So, how does the start relay work? When the thermostat in the fridge senses a high internal temperature, it switches on the compressor. But since the thermostat cannot handle the current of the compressor, it switches on the relay. The relay then turns on the compressor by applying power through the overload device to the compressor motor’s second winding, giving it an extra force to start turning.

How do you know if your refrigerator relay is bad?

The compressor is a critical component of the refrigerator, but it needs a functional start relay. If the relay system is not working, here are some of the signs you may notice.

How to bypass a damaged start relay on a refrigerator

Observe safety first. Before you start the bypass process, make sure you turn off the unit and disconnect the from the power source not to have any power running through it. Also, get help in moving the fridge away from the wall. Check this too: How to fix a mini fridge that won’t get cold When the unit is disconnected, your food will be safe for about 4 hours in the refrigerator and 24 hours in the freezer before going bad. Also, avoid opening the refrigerator doors to prevent the unit from heating faster. Things you need

Screwdriver (regular and flathead)PliersElectrical tape

Instructions Be sure to be on the lookout for the signs of a faulty relay to avoid over-consumption of power and overheating of the whole unit. With this guide, you will be able to bypass the start relay in your refrigerator efficiently. However, we do not recommend you to leave your unit on bypass mode for too long. Remember to book an appointment with a professional technician to repair the relay correctly. Check this too: Why is My Refrigerator Making a Knocking Noise