Yes. Activated bamboo charcoal can purify the air. Like in beauty applications, activated bamboo charcoal purifies air by absorbing particles and other impurities in the air. All you need is a bag of activated bamboo charcoal, and your house will never have impure air ever again.

What is Activated Bamboo Charcoal?

Activated bamboo charcoal is made by heating the bamboo charcoal until all the non-carbon material is removed. The bamboo is heated in a kiln at a high temperature with limited oxygen access. Chlorine salts are used to make the charcoal more porous. A dilute acid solution is then used to remove excess charcoal until only the purest fine charcoal powder is left behind. The charcoal is then granulated and activated by passing steam through its granules to increase its surface to mass ratio. Another method for activating the charcoal is injecting an oxidizing gas such as carbon dioxide through the charcoal granules. The activation releases all absorbed molecules and reduced the pores in the charcoal and makes more holes per molecule of charcoal. This enables the charcoal to be able to absorb a lot more particles and hold it. According to research, one gram of activated bamboo charcoal has a surface area of more than six hundred square meters.

How Does it Work?

Bamboo charcoal has millions of tiny micro-pores that act as suction holes that absorb bad odors and toxins in the air as a vacuum would. The absorbed pathogens or odors then stay trapped in the charcoal pores. Once the charcoal pores are full, they stop working and are rendered inactive. Charcoal attracts particles in the air and absorbs them, which is known as adsorption. Any absorbed pathogens in the charcoal pores eventually die off since there are no nutrients for propagation.

How to Use Charcoal Purification Bags

First, you need to make sure you have the right amount of charcoal to get the job done. An average-sized bamboo charcoal bag can cover a ninety square feet room. This means you need multiple bags to serve a room bigger than 90 square feet. Next, you need to place the bag at a strategic location for it to absorb toxin particles in the air. Ensure that you put it in a place that the bag(s) cannot be ingested by pets or manipulated by kids. The best location to place the charcoal bag is the most polluted area. You can place bamboo charcoal bags:

In your refrigerator to remove odors in the kitchen to absorb food odors Near a pet’s litter box Inside your shoes Gym bag

Or any other place that needs air purification. You can also use it to remove paint odors when you paint a room, your car, or your bathroom.

How to Activate or Recharge Your Bamboo Charcoal Bags

To ensure your bamboo charcoal bags can serve you, recharge them every one to two months. If your air starts feeling funky, then its time to reactivate your bamboo charcoal whether the bag has reached the one-month mark or not. Check this too: How Long Does it Take for an Air Purifier to Clean a Room Place the charcoal bag outside under direct sunlight for a few hours. This will release absorbed toxins or odor particles in the charcoal pore molecules. Rotate the charcoal bag to ensure the bamboo charcoal is reactivated on all sides.

How Long Does the Charcoal Bag Need to Purify Air?

This varies from room to room. It can take anything from a few hours to a couple of days. This depends on several factors. These include; how polluted the air is, the size of the room, the bamboo charcoal bag, the size of the bamboo charcoal bag, and the density of particles that need to be absorbed.

What Should I Do if the Charcoal Bag Gets Wet?

Place the charcoal on a dry surface to allow it to air dry. You can also place it outside in the sunlight, and it should be dry in a day or two. For faster drying, remove the charcoal from the bag to dry the charcoal bag. Then let the charcoal dry thoroughly before you put it back into the bag.

How Long Does the Activated Charcoal Bag Last?

The average expected lifespan of a bag of activated charcoal is two years. An average bag of activated bamboo charcoal weighs 75 grams, which equals 45,000 square meters. This enables it to absorb tons of harmful toxins in the air. Not to mention, you can reactivate it by leaving it in the sun as the heat releases absorbed toxins. That said, your bag does not have an indefinite lifespan, and you will need to replace it at some point. If your air is no longer getting purified and you can smell hints of odors over time, then it is time to replace the bamboo charcoal bag.

Does Bamboo Charcoal Kill Mold?

Activated bamboo charcoal does not absorb mold particles. It absorbs the moisture in the air that allows mold to flourish. Bamboo charcoal also binds to mold mycotoxins floating in the air.  Mycotoxins are the main cause of most inflammatory complications, such as respiratory illnesses caused by mold.

Best Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifiers


Bamboo charcoal purifies your air without releasing harmful, volatile active compounds into the air, causing health complications when inhaled over time. It also absorbs odor particles instead of masking odors. On account of its impressive absorption capabilities, activated bamboo charcoal is definitely worth a try.

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